Monday, January 2, 2012

The end of slacking

Alright, I'm back. Finals and Christmas and New Years have kept me away. I'm sorry if this is shocking to you, but I enjoy spending time with my family more than updating my blog.
My Christmas break was a blast, even though there was never any snow. I spent time with my friends, wrestled with my brothers and sisters and even went for a run. It was my first one in too long. And I got to go ice skating! I miss ice skating. Overall it was a very fun break.
I went and saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie with some of my friends. I love the way the director messed with the special effects and worked with slow motion. It's probably my favorite part about those movies. It was a fun ending too. I would say, but I don't want to ruin it for anyone.
I also did a lot of reading. So much that I actually can't really remember what I read except for Mark of Royalty by Jennifer K. Clark and Stephonie K. Williams. It was a cute, quick read. My sister got the book for Christmas and I ahem... borrowed it for a couple days. Don't worry, I put it back as soon as I was done.
This next semester should be really fun. I have some fun classes that I've been looking forward to for months! Wish me luck with the new semester and have a good 2012!

1 comment:

  1. Please follow my blog @
