Sunday, April 4, 2010

Catch up

Well we experienced the infamous spring snow storm this week. It has been cold all week and ended up snowing, I think it was the 2nd. Joy. I guess its good for the farmers, but its not fun for me. Although we have been lucky to have a very mild winter this year, something I am very grateful for.
We signed up for classes this last week and I realized that my senior year will (hopefully) be fun, but it still wont be very relaxed. I am taking an ELI which is an Extended Learning Internship. Its basically a chance to have a class on something not offered in the regular curriculum. You have two mentors; one from the school and one out of the school district. For my ELI I am doing my book, I'm very excited to have the opportunity for so much outside help. I'm actually starting it over the summer because there is no way I will wait until the school year starts to write again and I have to have at least 90 hours of work on the ELI. I am very excited about this and can't wait to finish my book! Who knows, maybe I'll start another one. I've found that writing is a very relaxing but mind stretching thing for me. I enjoy it but it makes my brain work at the same time.


  1. What are you going to write your book about?

  2. I've actually already started it quite a while ago. I'm writing it on a girl basically during mid-evil times.
