Next week my Mom is coming to visit me and that will be absolutely lovely. She is bringing me food that is too expensive for me to buy here (She buys it in bulk and I don't have the space to do that) and we will have a girls weekend. I'm very excited about this, it's been a long time since I've seen her. It would be even more amazing if I saw my whole family but I'll be seeing them for Thanksgiving so I believe I will survive.
So I have a new goal. But I must explain the background story before I tell you what it is. This last weekend I went with one of my roommates to a family pumpkin carving thingie. It was lots of fun, we helped the younger kids make corn husk dolls and carved the pumpkin you can see on your right. But honestly, the best part was the free dinner. I love it when I don't have to cook. And part of this dinner was butternut squash soup. I fell in love with this orange, creamy deliciousness. So my new goal is to hunt down some butternut squash (if you saw the grocery store I have access to you would understand why I said "hunt" instead of "buy") and try a recipe. I meant to ask for the recipe last weekend but I forgot, and I figure there are so many recipes online I can find one for myself. Ah the glories of the internet. And besides that, I think the squash is a cool color. Orange is just.... fun. Unless its an ugly shade, then its gross.