Saturday, December 3, 2011

A dragon, a turkey, a chicken, and fruit.

When I went home for Thanksgiving I skimmed the last book of the Inheritance cycle, Inheritance. Honestly, I was a little disappointed. I liked how they beat Galbotrix but the ending was way too Lord of the Rings for me. Yes, the whole series had a bit of that vibe, along with Star Wars. But I thought that he did a good job of making the story his own, not straight Lord of the Rings meets Star Wars. But unfortunately, the ending was just that.
My Thanksgiving was fantastic. I went ice skating for my brothers birthday, got to see some of my closest friends, snuck out once (just for fu
n, not because I had to) and ate lots and lots of yummy food.
Unfortunately, now I am sick. Hence the chicken. Chicken noodle soup is pretty much all I've had today. Not because my stomach is upset, but because there was no way I was making anything that took more than three minutes to make. Aka, stick in the microwave. Normally I am very good about cooking. But today I put my fist down. If I am going to be sick I am not doing anything that takes work. I didn't do any homework today either, even though finals are right around the corner. But I'm okay with it. I wrote some, talked about my story with my roommate and vegged. I have discovered that being sick away fro
m home is more painful than being sick at home. I miss my old red couch. I would veg on it wrapped up in a cuddly blanket and watch tv or sleep all day.
I also feel a strong urge for a homemade smoothie. This is an impossible task because 1. I do not have the right kind or enough fruit for a smoothie. 2. We have no blender. I asked for one for Christmas, because I love smoothies. I see this craving as my body telling me I need more fruit, but when I went to open my can of peaches no one in my apartment can open it. It's not the type of can you buy at the store and use a handy-dandy can opener to open. No, this is a home-canned can of peaches. They would be excellent... if I could open the can. Besides that all I have is pineapple and mandarin oranges in cans. Cans from the store. But they sound disgusting right now. That's not the kind of fruit I'm craving. I want berries or apples or bananas or grapes. Okay, not grapes. Those sound gross too.
See what my sick body does to me? I feel pregnant with all these food cravings. (I'm not pregnant.)

My roommate made oatmeal cookies with dried craisins in them. They look and smell fantastic. But sugar+sick me= really, really stupid idea. Last night I had popcorn to help with this craving. It helped, a little. But what I really need is fruit. But I just do not feel good enough to go shopping. Sorry body, you're holding your own self back. I spent most of the day in one spot on the couch even. I left it to eat and take a shower and other such necessary things, but now I am back. This couch is not as co
mfortable as my one at home. Just saying. NOTHING beats that couch when I'm sick. Nothing.
So yes, this is me in my sorry, sick state. Be glad you are not also sick. If you are, I sympathize. Eat an orange and think of me.

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