I only have finals left! And then its play time!!! I can't wait. I'm not nearly as stressed about finals as I was last sememster. I think its because I wore myself out with all my projects. The last day of school is only a few hours, so afterwards me and a friend are going on adventures. That night is mutual and we are having a last day of school bbq and then the mia maids are planning on having a sleepover. Its going to be awesome!!! This summer I am going to be so tan. I haven't really been trying at all and I'm already way more tan than most of my friends. Its from going to all my friends tennis games and softball games. And the hikes.
Trek is coming up. I'm excited but at the same time don't feel ready. I have most of my stuff ready. I just need (want) to decorate my bucket and finsh up a few things. Hopefully it won't be too terribly hot.
Today Annie Lyon practiced taking pictures using us as models. At first I wasn't wanting to be there because it was during the morning and I hadn't wanted to get up that early. But then I started having lots of fun. Sister Lyon is so much fun! We went and took pictures in an alley and a few other places around town. We did some really cool poses. She's wanting to put them on her blog. I just need to get the name of her blog so I can show off... lol ;)
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
New Names
Ok, I finally got arround to adding everyone into my blogs I follow list. If I forgot anyone let me know!! I don't want to leave anyone out. And this way my mom can check up all her friends without needing my help. ;)
Drivers Ed
To answer Lora's question I'm done with divers ed. I have my permit and I am slowly shaving away the 50 hours I have to drive. I've driven about 90 min so far. I'm sure I'll get lots of driving done this summer. It feels so good to be done with drivers ed I do have to say. :)
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Family, projects and Memorial Day weekend
There are 7 days of school left including finals days that aren't full days. I'm very excited. I still have two big projects that are due in that short of time. One I haven't even started yet. I am making a childrens book for science and that is due on tuesday. Its called Larry the Lonely Scorpion. I have been drawing pictures and coloring for it all weekend. Then I have to make an anthology of all my work in english this year. It would be easy except I have to right two essays for it. Gah! Its a lot of work. Uncle Tom and Aunt Julie are at our house for the weekend. I feel bad not being able to spend lots of time hanging out, but I have to get my project done this weekend. They have spoiled us! They brought all us kids presents and a Cheesecake factory cheesecake. Mom's favorite even. We went on a hike today and that was really fun. There were lots of people there though. We are all very glad they could come.
The sooner school gets out the better! I'm so tired of working so hard. It always seems like there is twice as much work at the end of the year when I just want to start slowing down. :S Oh well, thats life for ya. At least I'm not the only one stressing out. Im very jealous of my Dad. School ended for him 2 weeks ago. I'm almost there!!!
The sooner school gets out the better! I'm so tired of working so hard. It always seems like there is twice as much work at the end of the year when I just want to start slowing down. :S Oh well, thats life for ya. At least I'm not the only one stressing out. Im very jealous of my Dad. School ended for him 2 weeks ago. I'm almost there!!!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Only (about) 12 days of school left!!!

I am so ready for summer. I'm still working hard in school, but I'm very tired and ready to be done. This week was spirit week. All week the days themes have been kinda dumb except for todays and tomorows. Today was tacky clothes day. A friend and I wore ties and shorts and leggings. My leggings were orange my tie purple with orange flowers and my shirt bright pink. Very colorful. It was lots of fun!! Another friend wore a straw hat, saftey glasses, very colorful shorts, winter boots, a 70's style shirt with a vest and lots of neckalces. He looked hilarious!!! Tomorow is the color battle. Sophmores wear white (yuck) jrs. red and srs. black. Srs. always win cause black is easiest, but its still fun to see how creative some people get. This year most people won't really wear white, but next year with red.... it'll be fun. :)
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Annica is joining in!
Fyi really quick Annica has a blog now too. Its url is basketballandsoccer344.blogspot.com check it out its gonna be sweet!!! lol :)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers day!!
To all the mom's in the world, hope you have a great Mom day!! Today we had lots of yummy food. Salmon baked with brown sugar lots and of side dishes for dinner. For dessert we had yellow cupcakes with coolwhip and strawberries. Very yummy!!
School is coming to and end and I am starting to get very busy. I have two large projects plus all my other homework. I'm still on the hunt for a job (its not going very well :( ) and finals are coming up soon. Not to mention I have a piano recital soon. I've memorised a Sonitina. Its lots of fun to play. Im also working on a Phantom of the Opera peice and my first Jazz song. Its very different style and kinda hard to get used to. At first I wasn't a huge fan but now I think its fun to play. I don't ever want to play a ton of it, but its a nice change.
The weather has finally turned for the better and seems like it plans to stay that way. Its not cold any more and when it rains its not freezing. I'm so ready for summer. I made lots of friends this school year and can't wait to hang out with them this summer!!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Catching up
I had lots of fun at my friends house. We stayed up late thursday night talking. Friday we walked to the dollar store and bought a lot of junk food. We discovered that m&ms really are good on pizza!! Its in Princess Diaries. That night we tried to pull an all nighter. Its hard with just two people!! We made it to one in the morning and through the first two Spiderman movies. I think we both fell asleep a few times. Next time we'll have more people.... It was really nice of her mom to let me stay over and hang out. Thank you Hubers!!! Sister Huber is an amazing cook. :)
This weekend was a long weekend with two extra days off. A couple friends and I went and played mini golf. Its a good thing we weren't keeping score because I would have lost. I ended up pushing the ball into the hole most of the time. But its all good. Only one of my friends actually knew what he was doing. The rest of us were just fooling around and making fun of ourselfs. After that we went to the mall and fooled around untill we could go watch another friends softball game. I'd promised her I'd make it to at least one. I played last season but because of Driver's ed didn't have time this season. I couldn't stay for the whole game, but she played really well. It was really cold too. This weekend two of my friends made it to districts. One for track and one for tennis.
I have only two more driver's ed classes!!!!! On tuesday I get my permit. I'm more excited to be done with the class then get my permit truthfully. I took my driving final this week and passed with 87%. I take my final written test on monday. I'm nervous because of all the little facts and numbers I have to remember. Wish me luck!! The only thing is I don't have a car to drive. I wish I had my own car, but I'm not going to die without one. And I have enough friends with cars that can drive me around that I'm not worried. School is almost out and I can't wait!!!
I'm trying to get a job this summer so I can actually go do things. Its not working very well because the entire high school is doing the same thing, but I'll keep looking. This summer is going to be so much fun. I have made so many friends this year. And its my 16th bday in August. That is the end of the summer, but still I can't wait!!!!! Annica is going into 7th grade next year. Its wierd to think about.
This weekend was a long weekend with two extra days off. A couple friends and I went and played mini golf. Its a good thing we weren't keeping score because I would have lost. I ended up pushing the ball into the hole most of the time. But its all good. Only one of my friends actually knew what he was doing. The rest of us were just fooling around and making fun of ourselfs. After that we went to the mall and fooled around untill we could go watch another friends softball game. I'd promised her I'd make it to at least one. I played last season but because of Driver's ed didn't have time this season. I couldn't stay for the whole game, but she played really well. It was really cold too. This weekend two of my friends made it to districts. One for track and one for tennis.
I have only two more driver's ed classes!!!!! On tuesday I get my permit. I'm more excited to be done with the class then get my permit truthfully. I took my driving final this week and passed with 87%. I take my final written test on monday. I'm nervous because of all the little facts and numbers I have to remember. Wish me luck!! The only thing is I don't have a car to drive. I wish I had my own car, but I'm not going to die without one. And I have enough friends with cars that can drive me around that I'm not worried. School is almost out and I can't wait!!!
I'm trying to get a job this summer so I can actually go do things. Its not working very well because the entire high school is doing the same thing, but I'll keep looking. This summer is going to be so much fun. I have made so many friends this year. And its my 16th bday in August. That is the end of the summer, but still I can't wait!!!!! Annica is going into 7th grade next year. Its wierd to think about.
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